How We Treat

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Manual Therapy
Hands-on therapy focused on improving muscle function and flexibility, increasing range of motion, and reducing pain, soft tissue swelling, and inflammation. Treatment may include manipulating joints in specific directions and at different speeds, manual stretching, passive movements of the affected body part, or having the patient move the body part against the therapist’s resistance to improve muscle activation and timing.
Mulligan Concept Treatments
Founded in Paul’s home country of New Zealand, the Mulligan concept is a specialized treatment that combines mobilization of a joint combined with concurrent movement in a very specific way. It is very effective for relieving pain and restoring normal movement, usually much faster than traditional therapy methods. It is often the answer for patients who have tried traditional PT elsewhere without success.
McKenzie Method
Also created in New Zealand, the McKenzie method is centered around empowering the patient to be actively involved in their own therapy. Patients are taught exercises which – when done regularly and correctly – can minimize not only their healing time, but the number of clinic visits needed. It is most commonly used to treat back or neck pain.
Therapeutic Exercise
Movement is vital to health and to healing. Progressive strengthening is a part of most physical therapy programs. Patients perform therapist-guided exercises that use resistance movements in a way that protects the injured area while gradually strengthening it.
Therapeutic Massage
We use massage therapy to relieve muscle-related tension, spasms, and pain. By relaxing tight muscles and connective tissues, massage therapy improves circulation, reduces inflammation and swelling, eases arthritic joint pain, and breaks down or prevents the formation of adhesions, which can cause pain and restrict range of motion.
Thermal Treatments
We use moist heat packs wrapped in a terrycloth towel to treat chronic injuries such as sore, stiff, strained or spasming muscles that have no inflammation or swelling. The heat causes vasodilatation (widening) of the blood vessels, which increases circulation and in turn, decreases pain.

Special insulated nitrogen cold packs wrapped in a towel are used to treat acute injuries, such as those caused by a fall, sprain or collision, where the symptoms include pain, tenderness, redness, inflammation or swelling of the area. The cold causes vasoconstriction (narrowing) of the blood vessels and limits internal bleeding (bruising) at the injury site.

Ultrasound Therapy
Ultrasound technology transmits high- or low-frequency sound waves into the tissue, vasculature and musculature surrounding the injured or affected area of the body. This warms and relaxes the muscles to relieve tightness and spasms, widens the blood vessels, and increases circulation to the area, all of which promote faster healing. Ultrasound can also be used to decrease inflammation.
Therapeutic Stretching
Many painful musculoskeletal conditions are caused or exacerbated by a lack of flexibility. Therapeutic stretching exercises help our patients achieve greater flexibility and range of motion, improved circulation, better posture, enhanced coordination, and relief from stress. We prescribe stretches that will lengthen the muscles, warm the body, and increase functionality at a safe, gradual pace without causing pain or further injury.
Orthopedic Therapy
We are experts in the pre- and post-operative treatment of: total or partial joint replacement and other orthopedic conditions, such as rotator cuff repair, meniscectomy, and ankle sprain or fracture repair. We utilize advanced techniques and specific protocols to increase range of motion and strength both before and after surgery.
Low-level Laser Therapy
LLLT emits no heat, sound or vibration, but utilizes “photobiostimulation”, in which a focused wavelength of light energizes cells to heal at a faster rate. It is helpful in treating painful conditions such as tendinitis, ligament sprains, joint pain, and muscle disorders. It can also be used to stimulate collagen production and improve function in damaged neurological tissue.
Vestibular Rehabilitation
Vertigo caused by Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo and other inner ear disorders is treated through positioning techniques such as the Epley maneuver, and activities like Brant-Daroff exercises.
Balance Training & Fall Prevention
Physical therapy can help balance disorders in a number of ways, including exercises to increase coordination and improve strength and posture. Proprioception (awareness of where your body is) is important for preventing falls, and can also be improved through specific exercises.
Myofascial Release
Myofascial pain is caused by tightness and oversensitivity in the myofascial tissues. Manual examination is used to locate the areas that are rigid and stiff. Once the exact trigger points are located, we work to release the tension using massage with light pressure, and gentle stretching.
Targeted Percussive Therapy
Percussive therapy is a massage technique designed to treat soft tissue pain. It is done using a massage gun which delivers strong pulses and vibrations into the muscle tissue. This action softens muscle tissue in areas with intense stiffness and tension.
Electrical Muscle Stimulation
We use electrical muscle stimulation or “EMS” to stimulate muscle contraction and prevent muscle atrophy in patients whose activity level has been reduced by pain or a musculoskeletal injury. The electrical impulses are delivered by a machine through electrode pads placed on the skin around the injured area. You will feel some tingling, but no pain. Because EMS strengthens and tones muscles, we sometimes use it for rehabilitation and pain-relief from sports injuries.
Kinesio Taping
Kinesiology tape is strategically placed to support and relieve pain in muscles, joints, and/or ligaments. It reduces swelling, increases mobility and enhances recovery. It can also be used to facilitate lymphatic drainage by microscopically lifting the skin.

Ready to start feeling better?
Call to schedule your first appointment today!
(503) 699-2955
